Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dr Appointment today

Weighted in at 160 at 30 weeks and 5 days. Blood pressure good, I am anemic so have to take iron twice a day, and oh get this, who said they didnt have have diabetes....that would be me so again I was right and didnt have anything to worry about...silly doctors. Anyway, he estimated that the baby will weight about 7lbs if I go to 40 weeks but starting at the beginning of July I can have this baby which in reality is a month and a half. Very exciting. Baby sounded great and I have another appointment in two weeks.

Went to the DMV today to get an AZ drivers license and the lady said I might have to take the driving and written test :/ well she went to the back and came back to say that she told them I was 8 months pregnant so the waived the driving test but wanted me to take the 30 question written(computer)test. How hard right? I skimmed through a book real quick and went to take it. you can only miss 6 to pass...Well...i failed:( The reason is I have no idea how many feet behind a firetruck you should be (500 feet if you care)so they said I have two more chances to take it and pass. So I took a book home with me and am reading through it and will go back and take it next week. No big deal or anything just kind of annoying.
We had our first offical dust storm today and it made the news of course. It looked like it was going to rain but just blow a lot of wind around. So that really reminded me of being home in Texas.

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