I have always loved hip, unisex names for my girls and always had special meanings for thier middle names I have always gotten a lot of compliments on my girls' names. Here is the story behind each of them:
SHELBY KAY- While I was pregnant with Shelby I loved looking for names. I came up with Shelby because my favorite movie is 'Steal Magnolias' and that is Julia Robert's charater's name (that was her second movie she was in right before Pretty Woman). Kay is for my ex mother-in-law who also has the same middle name. Shelby is also my cousin Corbin's middle name.
MACKENZIE ALVA- I wanted to have a 'M' name when I got pregnant the second time. My ex, Tom, and I had decided that two kids was enough and that this was our last baby. I wanted Makayla but Tom didn't like it and thought up Mackenzie. I wanted to pass down my middle name of Alva to her since my Nana and Great-Grandfather Wally had the same middle name so had to pass the tradition on. We kept the name a secret for a long time so my ex MIL called her Shaniqua for a long time while I was pregnant lol
ADDISON FAYE- Addison went through about five different names til I finally picked one. I had the name Charolette picked out for a long time, but knew I wanted her middle name to be my best friend's name of Faye (she helped through a lot of stuff during my divorce). Since I was on my own and newly divorced I had to think of the name myself. About a few weeks before she was born I decided I liked Autum better. The night I went into labor I was talking with my brother Erik and he wanted to know what I had decided on. I told him to guess and that it started with 'A'. We were watching Grey's Anatomy at the time (one of my favs) and he said Addison, I said no but I love that name so I decided to name her Addison Faye.
SYDNEE EMMERSON- It took Aaron and I a looong time to decided on Sydnee's name. My FIL had suggested Elegence, lol which we said no cause it sounded like a stripper name. Aaron wanted to name her Allison so there would be Aaron, Addison, Allison. I said that was too close to Addi. I loved the name Emmerson but he didn't like it for a first name. Aaron's maternal grandmother, Mary Ellen, passed away while I was five months pregnant. At the funeral lunch we were talking with family and decided on Sydnee Emmerson for her name. My cousin also has the same first name just spelt Sydney. So again keeping the names in the family.
KIMBER BRYCE-BAILEY- Finally with Kimber, we really thought we would be getting a boy so were weren't really thinking of girl names. We wanted to do a 'K' name to go with our last name Klein. We couldn't think of a good girl 'K' name. We decided to name her Bryce Bailey, Aaron thought of Bryce and I thought of Bailey, until one night Aaron mentioned Kimber and I fell in love with it. We couldn't decided on which name to keep for the middle name so since Kimber is our last baby we decided to do Kimber Bryce-Bailey. She has the only name that has no family meaning behind it but we love little Kimi more than ever.