Thursday, May 7, 2009

Show Us Where You Live Friday!-Living Room/Pictures of new garden

This Friday is the livingroom on Kelly's Korner. Below is a view into where we spen most of our time and then pictures of my new garden we planted today so enjoy :)
This is the view from the couch.

This is where I post my blogs and have all my things close by.

I need to update these pictures because they are over a year old. These are my four precious girls.

I LOVE Sharpies! I have every color you can think of haha

These are all the pictures and drawings Shelby and Kenzie have sent me over the year.

Here are some of my most favorite books and also my journels where I write poetry. I painted the birdhouse last year.

My favorite picture of my two oldest girls.

Addison and Sydnee made these for me last christmas with the sweetest poem with them.

The picture on the right is of my dad who past away from Stage 4 Melanoma in 2005 he was 45 years old.
The picture on the left is of me and my mom when I graduated high school.

The sand is what we poured at our wedding instead of a unity candle.

Here is our small but growing children's book collection.

This is my fav thing in the livingroom. My gorgeous rug.

Here is the before

Aaron telling me about something...I wasn't listening lol

The flowers we were planting

The seeds we were also planting

Getting the ground ready

Putting in the sprinklers


All the seeds

I like this picture



Anonymous said...

hey just read your blog for the first time....what beautiful little girls you have!! although i did not see much of your two eldest you mind me asking you if they live with you..?

Morgan said...

My two older girls live in Texas with thier dad (my ex-husband. They are doing great in school with a lot of family including both of our family members. :)

Mommyto3andahusky said...

cute home! :)

Macey said...

I just popped over here from Kelly's living room post and I LOVE YOUR RUG. Want it. : )
BTW Your girls are gorgeous. : )

Michelle said...

I have an obsession with Sharpie's as well !

Thanks for sharing your lovely home.

Pam Bowers said...

You have a beautiful home. Love all the little touches. I had to go through your latest post to get to the living room one and Just wanted to say that we lived in the sprinklers as kids. You have an adorable family.